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Last Wednesday on the 21st January 2015 a special ceremony has been held. This ceremony was a symbolic launcing of the UTM IND-E-ZONE which was organized at Block L51, UTM Career Centre.

The UTM Industry Engagement Zone which was known as UTM IND-E-Zone was a strategic platform in which the university can actively collaborate with the partners in the industries. With the rise of new technology every year, it was crucially essential that the university keep their teaching updated with the advancement and growth in the industry.

For this to happen, this particular platform was initiated with Talent Corp will play an active middle man role in bridging the academia with the industry. UTM IND-E-Zone will expose UTM students to industrial insights, networking and facilitation such as career talks, CV review clinics and interview tips.

With the help of UTM Career Centre, the Talent Corp and the representatives from various industries, students which in their final year of studies can be well informed about the opportunity that currently opened in the industry. This will ultimately boost their employ-ability and ensures that the students can start their career in the right place.