07-55 30540 webmaster@utm.my

A) Download the xml file.

Step 1: Download the xml file for the form. Download here


B) Import the xml file to your site.

import file

Step 1: Log in to your site and go to the Dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Forms and select Import/ Export.

Step 3: Select Import Forms. Click “Choose File” button.

upload xml

Step 4: Choose the downloaded xml file from your computer. Then, click Import button.


C) Embed your file into the Page.


Step 1: Go to Dashboard, and select Pages.

Step 2: Click Add New. Key in your page title.

Step 3: Click Add Form button.

select form

Step 4: After clicking Add Form button, you need to select which form did you will embed into the page. In this case, choose Class of HCI 2012/2013  form.

Step 5: Click Insert Form button.

insert form

Step 6: Add any related information or instruction at the page content (before the generated embed form code).

Step 7: Choose the page parent at Page Attributes section on your right side. (If any).

Step 8: Click Publish button.